Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Belgrade's criticism cannot harm Ahtisaari's post

Belgrade, 09:08

Belgrade's condemnation can do no harm to the UN special envoy on Kosovo status talks Martti Ahtisaari, Belgrade's daily Blic said.

Blic daily quotes an unnamed diplomat close to Contact Group as saying that Contact Group was pleased with Ahtisaari's handling of negotiations.

The source did not reveal whether the Contact Group shares Ahtisaari's position that "Serbs were guilty as a nation", which angered Belgrade and caused strong condemnation by Serbian government.

The unnamed diplomat stressed that status envoy Martti Ahtisaari implements the Contact Group's policy.

"Nobody in the Contact Group said anything against conditional independence of Kosovo. Certain disagreements could occur regarding the pace of decision-making, as European members could urge slow-down of negotiations," the diplomat said.

Blic daily says Ahtisaari would probably come up with a package of proposals to the UN Security Council by September 18. The next round of direct negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina is likely to take place in Vienna on September 8.


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